Sunday, February 18, 2007

On getting older, and friends with funny names...

I sometimes wonder if I'm turning into my dad a little bit. Schedule1 would be happy to know that his constant irritation about my being late from time to time has worked, and I've started to get serious about being on time to things. He wouldn't be as happy to know that it manifests itself a little like how my dad does it, but it'scertainly made me aim for efficiency on this trip.

We don't have enough time. I spent three weeks in the Bay the last time I was here, and it wasn't enough time.

The other reason I'm feeling a little like my dad and older is I'm up at 7am. GRANTED, it's 10am to me, but still. I need sleep. What the hell am I doing up? And yet, as I look through T's GREAT view of the city, with the sun slowly warming the tops of the buildings, I have this urge to just start walking up Haight until I find a place open for brunch and plopping down... or maybe just walking all the way up Haight till I get to Amoeba (which will undoubtedly be closed, even if I get there at 9am).

Knucklehead was teasing me on the ride from SFO to T's place that "she doesn't have friends with funny nicknames, like Fucko or Horsecock, or Full Boat, or the Shark" and so forth. Well, after I had gone to sleep, Nads woke me with a phone call, and lo and behold, my Risley reunion got one bigger, as Hot Pants is in town from his travels and joining us for dinner. So there's me, Knucklehead, Hot Pants, Nads, TheThirstyWhale, Red Izaac, and JSD. Plus possible sos. Chinese New Year in Chinatown, SF. Not a bad end to the day. The question is, should I go back to sleep, or start it now

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